Why Corporate Partnership?
The Importance of workplace culture
Maybe you’ve read about why companies like Nike, Google, and Apple offer meditation and mindfulness programs for their employees. If not, the reason is simple: the programs work!
Study after study have shown that regardless of the size of a company, what employees value most in their job are:
Flexible schedule
A positive work culture
In fact, as the Boomer generation cycles out and Millennials and Gen Z flood the job market, a growing number of employees today will exchange a high salary and benefits for a job that offers personal freedom and a sense of joy at the thought of arriving to work each day.
From a business perspective, the difference between employees who look forward to showing up to work versus those who trudge in just to run out the clock are staggering. Happy employees:
use an average of 1.28 fewer sick days
generate almost 11% more revenue
produce 28% higher shareholder returns
A positive work culture is also linked to employees’ willingness to make sacrifices for the good of the company like a delayed pay increase, reduced benefits, and spending or hiring freezes.
In short, happy employees are more committed to the mission of the company than simply collecting a paycheck.
If you want a more positive culture for your employees, one of the best and easiest ways to start is with an on-site mindfulness group.
These groups are completely voluntary and will meet at a time that is most convenient for your business operations and employee schedules.
A trained volunteer from our organization will come to your place of business at a designated time, share a brief thought to focus everyone’s attention, and then guide participants through a focused practice in which they breathe and mentally name their experiences. This practice lasts anywhere from 20-45 minutes, depending on the needs of the group. Afterward the volunteer leads the group in a brief discussion to process its effects, and then everyone is free to return to their desks or move on to whatever awaits them the rest of the day.
One of the most beautiful aspects of mindfulness is its simplicity (sit, breathe, focus), and its universal application for all people regardless of title, gender, race, socio-economic status, education, religion, political affiliation, or personality type.
In other words, there is no downside to mindfulness, especially as it applies to employee satisfaction, workplace culture, and the productivity of your business.
Our corporate partnership levels are as follows:
Corporate Partner Credit above the fold on our homepage
Corporate Partner Credit in our quarterly nationwide newsletter
Corporate Partner Credit on any relevant marketing items throughout the year including House Parties, Concerts, and public education workshops
Monthly on-site mindfulness groups
Corporate Partner Credit above the fold on our homepage
Corporate Partner Credit in our quarterly nationwide newsletter
Quarterly on-site mindfulness groups
Corporate Partner Credit on list of partners on a secondary webpage
Quarterly on-site mindfulness groups
Corporate Partner Credit on list of partners on a secondary webpage
2 on-site mindfulness groups per year
If you want to drive business, improve workplace culture, and give back to your community, click the button and let us know.