We offer classes inside jails and prisons, in reentry facilities, in community shelters, and in addiction recovery centers.
All of our programs are tested and backed by strong data and research.
We teach proven mindfulness-based practices to help people take responsibility for themselves, build resilience, and live a more compassionate life.
Current Programs
Introduction to Mindfulness
Mindful Recovery
What participants are saying about mindfulness in prison
"Your class had more of a positive impact on my life than any other program, course or punitive action I’ve experienced since beginning my sentence in 2008. I have found myself relating to other inmates and communicating on a deeper more honest level. I make connections with men outside my circle which leads to understanding in situations that would normally escalate. In sharing my new way of thinking with those I associate with I help influence the barracks towards peaceful conflict resolution resulting in a positive environment. My point is: your program has touched more lives than you could possibly imagine.”
-Justin, AR
“Thank you for your enthusiasm and selfless service. All the volunteers at CWFA are what give people like me hope and the will to keep on keeping on. Some days weigh dark and heavy but then you get a newsletter or a letter or a book or remember a discussion session or a yoga lesson and the world seems a little bit brighter. So once again, thank you.”
-Troy, AR
“How meditation and mindfulness has allowed me to grow spiritually and deal with problems that life throws at me one at a time. Now instead of being overwhelmed with problems I have been able to slow my thoughts down and analyze the situations and better able to be a better man today. I used to fly off the handle now this gives me another way of dealing with things in a different way than I used to. It also allows me to be able to better analyze myself and work on me and get a better grip on me inside my mental state and to be able to release stress. Thank you very much Cory I really appreciate you coming and doing this class it really has improved my psyche. This class has really helped me more than you can ever imagine.”
-Jonathan, AR
"The mindfulness class is my absolute favorite class we have followed closely by yoga. The breathing techniques seemed awkward at first but have actually helped me stay grounded & also to be able to identify clearly what’s going on inside my body and mind."
-Zack, AR
"Meditation has helped relieve a lot of stress in my life. Also helped rid me of a lot of anger and depression that I didn’t know I had hidden deep down inside. It also allowed me to become open to an understanding of myself.”
-Corey, AR
"Mindfulness and meditation has helped me get through some of my worst days by helping me stay in a peaceful mind. I believe that without having this class I would have had a mental break down from the tragic event I went through. This class has not only been helpful but also a blessing. Thank you for doing this class.”
-Joseph, AR