He believes in the principle of karma, that our inner and outer lives create a ripple effect in the world around us, and he wants his ripple effect to extend far and wide with everything that’s good.
Read MoreThroughout history, there have many been many women who have transformed society through the power of Compassion.
Read MoreWays to spread love and compassion
Read MoreTo remember and honor the legacy of Thich Nhat Hanh, try practicing a few of his teachings below to help cultivate greater peace, inspiration, and empowerment.
Read MoreTo celebrate Black History Month means to celebrate Black excellence and culture.
Read More“I wrote this, amongst many others, when I was locked up in solitary for 462 days in the sweltering heat of Texas, sans a/c.”
Read MoreIt’s the first time I’ve thought about my son since he died that I didn’t feel overwhelming shame and guilt for not being there when he needed me.
Read MoreThere are no national elections this year, but many states, counties, and towns have extremely important issues on the ballot this time of year.
Read MoreIn every action of life, there is usually both a light (positive) and dark (negative) side associated with it, and meditation and compassion are no different.
Read MoreWhat thoughts, emotions, actions, behaviors, habits, and beliefs are no longer serving your highest good?
Read MoreWe can best remember and honor all those who were affected by 9/11 by practicing compassionate service in our local communities.
Read MorePrisons are not designed to exact justice for wrongs done to others; they’re designed to punish in the harshest manner possible. Knowing this, is it even reasonable to ask if one can be happy in prison?
Read MoreIt is important to remember that we are all teaching something to someone, all our lives.
Read MoreThe most compassionate people in the world are bad-asses who clearly know what is OK and not OK for themselves, and insist on these boundaries being maintained.
Read MoreRead this submission from Majid in California who subscribes to our quarterly newsletter, Dharma Friends.
Read MoreThe solution for protecting people in prison from COVID-19 is not simple. But it cannot start from a place of fear. It must begin with empathy, with the fundamental fact that every person is a human being with worth and value.
Read MoreMeditation is an effective tool for training the mind to relax, to slow down, to let stillness and silence become dominant.
Read MoreOne day we wake up and see right through our delusional thinking. We see from a higher perspective, like people hiking a mountain who suddenly pass the tree line,
Read MoreWhile significant parts of the human brain are still a profound mystery, there is much we know about how the brain works, and we can use it to our advantage.
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