Meditation - Subtle Energy Healing
Meditation - Subtle Energy Healing
3. Grow in Understanding Your Subtle Energy
We can learn to understand the messages from our physical bodies, hearts and mind. There are many ways to allow our bodies and subtle energies to speak to us. Some of you write, some draw, some pay attention to your dreams, some feel intuitive direction, some study the I Ching, the Tarot, astrology, the MO and other divination systems, and some know energy systems. The body is enveloped in and has flowing through it the subtle energies which are the next most concrete, visible or experienceable manifestation of our bodies’ dynamic energetic flow beyond the physical and emotional. Just as the blood flows to bodily organs, it can bring healing or can spread disease o r imbalance depending on its healthiness. If the subtle energy that flows through the body is out of balance, is toxic, or is blocked, it too creates dis-ease in the body that will eventually be measurable in some way. If the subtle energy in and around the body is strong and in balance, the body is made more strong an d healthy, and this balance will lead to healing. We can use all of the tools that I mentioned above to understand and to read our physical body, our psyche, our unconscious, and the flow and balance of the body’s subtle energy. When we can read our body’s energies and know what we need to be in balance, we can make better decisions in our daily life. I rely a lot on a system called kinesiology as a guide in decision making. It does take a long time to discern the right “touch” so that intellect is not trying to control one’s answers but I highly recommend learning this system. It is a meditation tool that is of great value. A brief experiment and a way to begin to practice it is to touch your thumb and little finger together o n either your right or left hand. Now, use the thumb and first finger of your other hand to try to pry them apart. (There are many other ways to use this technique but this is easiest method to do alone) Notice that you can use sheer strength to hold the finger and thumb together but it may be hard. But this exercise is not to see how strong you are. It is to get a feel for when your energy stays strong or goes weak. The right “touch” is similar to the pull you feel if you put two magnets together that attract each other. The energy holds them together and that shows it is “strong” and healthy for you. If there is more a repulsion of forces and you can’t keep the finger and thumb together, then that item you are testing is not healthy for you and causes a breakdown of your bodies energy flow. Imagine that something interrupts the electricity to the T V and the television shuts down. It is a little like that.
Now, place something in your mouth that you know is healthy for you. Try something like an apple or a green leafy vegetable. Be careful because you may have an idea that something is healthy and it may actually not be so good for you. An example is that water should test strong but if you have bad water like that from a well or contaminated pipes, your water just might test harmful for you. . See how strong the connection is between your little finger and your thumb with the apple or a healthy food. Get a feel for what strong is. Then try a spoonful of sugar. Everyone should go weak if you put sugar in your mouth. If you notice that you are really exerting effort and focusing on the connection between your thumb and little finger to hold them together, then you are using force and not letting your body speak. If there is no way you can hold them together, that is more the true message of how the sugar interrupts your body’s healthy energy flow. Practice with lots o f things that you generally know are good or bad for you and then experiment with new things. At first you can test the foods you eat, the colors you wear, ideas, plans you make (visualize the thing in your mind if it is not an item you can hold ), and eventually you can test medicines, a treatment protocol, an exercise, something you are reading as valid or invalid for you, people you are influenced by, and virtually everything as it is right or wrong for you in that moment. Remember that things are always changing and you may need different things at different times. For example, you may test that a bowl of rice is good for you, but that doesn't mean to only eat rice. If you eat rice for lunch, it may test weak for you to have it for dinner too . But a plate of beans may test strong at that point in the day. If candy bars consistently test strong, be suspicious that you are not doing it right. You can also ask Yes or No questions. If an answer is Yes, your finger to thumb connection will remain strong. If the answer is no, the connection will go weak. This method or any of the other ways of reading your body, your unconscious, or your subtle energies are overall and eventually the best guides to rely on in healing yourself. Take in other information, like that from doctors and teachers, but develop your skill to read your own body as the best expert healer of you.