Logic dictated that I shouldn’t practice massage on this woman, because she appeared to be brittle. But Spirit is the ultimate driver of choices in my life, and a minute into this massage, she grasped my hands with such incredible intensity and strength, I knew that she was speechlessly grateful.
Read MoreHere are a few stories of some remarkable people. Each of them taught me a little piece about the dying process…
Read More“In Zen Buddhism, one of our primary beliefs is in ‘no self.’ We’re not separate from other people and because of that, we treat other people compassionately. We feel like they are connected with us and that all sentient beings are connected.”
Read MoreBodhichitta is the wish to gain
Sublime enlightenment for countless beings’ sake.
It is of two kinds: intentional and active.
Intention is the wish and action the pursuit
Of this attainment.
It is like the wish to go and actually setting out.
Read MoreSometimes the best action is just being there without ‘doing’ anything.
Read MoreThe less attached we become to staying with emotions, the more we can see them as being something that typically passes and can provide us with knowledge about ourselves, others, and our environment.
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